Sports Injuries: Chiropractic Promotes Healing!
Athletes of all kinds see the benefits of chiropractic care!
How can chiropractic promote the healing of sports injuries? Sports injuries can be expected in athletes, and there are many times that these injuries can lead to severe pain and even disability if not treated properly. When it comes to chiropractic care and sports injuries, athletes should know some essential things. Read on to learn more about this topic and get advice on improving your overall health and wellness by using chiropractic treatment after you’ve experienced sports injuries.
Finding the cause, not just the symptom
It’s easy to ignore our bodies when we have a sports injury. Typically, we shrug it off and look for instant relief from an over-the-counter medication or prescription treatment. But what often gets lost in translation is that an injury doesn’t exist in a vacuum—it’s usually connected to another aspect of your health. With chiropractic, you don’t just see one “specialist” who treats your headache or shoulder pain, but rather a a doc that looks at all aspects of your overall health and wellness. Even if you’re not dealing with something more severe like an injury, examining your body allows chiropractors to find deeper issues within. Even if you aren’t experiencing any physical symptoms, such as back pain or knee pain, there may be other parts of your body needing healing that only a comprehensive examination can reveal. This holistic approach to healthcare helps ensure lasting results instead of short-term fixes.
Understanding how muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons work together
The body contains an intricate network of muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons that work together to give us mobility. But when one part of your system becomes overworked or injured, it impacts how you move. Because all aspects of your system are interconnected, an injury to one area often affects other areas as well—leading to painful tension headaches or stress-related conditions such as anxiety or insomnia. That’s where chiropractic care comes in! During a chiropractic exam, your doctor will look for misalignments in your spine, which disrupt nerve signals sent to different parts of your body and can cause discomfort throughout your system, something we call “Subluxations”. As soon as these imbalances are detected and corrected with safe and effective adjustments, patients report a reduction in pain levels and a boost in overall health and sense of well-being.
Realigning body parts involved in sports injuries
If you’ve suffered a sports injury, your body’s alignment could be an issue. Your spine is an integral part of your biomechanical system, including everything from your joints to your muscles and tendons. If you’re having trouble with back or shoulder pain, it could be due to problems with one or more of these parts being out of alignment. With that in mind, getting chiropractic care when injured is crucial to promote healing and recovery as soon as possible. Let’s look at how we can help get your body back on track following an injury and what types of sports injuries we commonly see. We hope these tips are helpful; please feel free to contact us today!
Why chiropractic is suitable for sports injuries
At its core, chiropractic is based on a straightforward principle: Restore proper mobility to the joints in your body, and everything else will fall into place. When joints are mobile, you’re able to move around without restriction or pain; when they’re not, your body starts losing range of motion—and flexibility is crucial for sports injuries because it prevents further damage. If an athlete with a sore muscle takes anti-inflammatory drugs, he’s stopping inflammation (good) and depriving his body of nutrients it needs to repair itself (wrong). If an athlete takes a lot of ibuprofen after his game, he won’t be fully prepared for practice tomorrow. And if an athlete has tight hamstrings from sitting too much at his desk all day, stretching those muscles at night won’t help him sprint faster tomorrow. So, if athletes want their bodies to heal themselves and return to total health as quickly as possible, it makes sense that they would look for all kinds of solutions. That’s where a quality chiropractor comes in – someone who specializes in joint manipulation and exercise rehabilitation programs geared toward athletes who want fast results (and long-term results).
Listening to your body
Many of us are guilty of pushing our bodies past their breaking point, whether it’s working longer hours or going through a punishing workout. But if you’re trying to heal from an injury, you must listen to your body. Over-exerting yourself when you’re hurt will only slow down your healing time—and may even make it worse. A good rule of thumb is that if something hurts—take a break. Don’t worry about making up for a lost time; focus on getting better.
Improving your quality of life
When most people think of sports injuries, they immediately associate them with pain. But there are other long-term effects of sports injuries, including reduced range of motion, reduced strength and flexibility in that specific area, scar tissue formation, nerve damage, and even permanent loss of function. Sports injuries can also lead to early-onset arthritis later in life. Our job is to help those who have suffered these injuries get back to living life at their highest level.