The Amazing Dr. You!

We are all born with an amazing power to fend off disease, heal from injury/ sickness as well as achieve and maintain INCREDIBLY good health. Like a tiny little doctor, we’re born with living inside us all. The best part? You don’t need any advanced training, a high degree of education (although learning is always a good thing), or even an owner’s manual to know how to use this power. In fact, your body has been using it since the day you were conceived!

We, chiropractors, call this power “INNATE INTELLIGENCE”. Scientists often refer to this same power as homeostasis. Regardless of the different names, what it does remains the same. It allows your nervous system to control and coordinate the billions of cells in your body so it can maintain your good health and fight off dis-ease. When you read those words…it should send a tingle down your spine (pun intended). The only thing that stops this is interference. Interference can come from the outside (toxic environments, drugs, smoking, injuries) or the inside (negative thinking, lousy diet, poor posture). To put it another way trauma, toxins and thoughts.

The best way to combat this is regular checkups with chiropractor care. At Vital Chiropractic, we not only pride ourselves on taking great care of your spine but also offer health tips, encouragement, and a positive environment. We have a saying, “We make the adjustment…you do the healing”. So do everything you can to make sure that “little doctor inside” is always on the job. Ensuring health and healing…without interference!

Be well!


5 reasons to ❤️ your spine!


Be kind to your spine.